The Somali school of government’s mission is to educate the diverse members of parliament on the procedures and long history of Parliamentary rule. As there has been no parliament in Somalia for more than a generation now, there is an identified need to instruct MPs in the traditions of a functioning and transparent national debating chamber.
This series of ten backgrounders is designed to upskill all MPs – and civil servants – in the history of liberal democracy, as well as in parliamentary and electoral processes. By providing these overviews as reference material, the ssog aims to establish common understandings for all politicians and those in public service.
It is hoped that a grasp of this history, and these processes, will ensure a smooth transition to the disciplines required of representative government. It is further hoped such knowledge will enable the achievements such government brings – and clarify the boundaries and interwoven responsibilities of both tribal and parliamentary representation.
Dugsiga waxbarashada dowladnimada ee Soomaliya waxuu u jiraa in uu siiyo aqoonta aasaasiga ee dawladnimo xildhibaanada Soomaaliyeed. Iyadoo laga bilaabayo habka barlamaan u shaqeeyo iyo aasaaka habka dimoqaraadiga ee looga dhaqmo wadama badan. Dugsigan waxuu tix galinaya xaqiiqda taarikheed ee dalka Soomaliya oo waayey hab dawladeed iyo parlamaan dhisan wakhti aad u dheer oon soon gudubnay.
Tobanka cashar waxaa loo diyaariyey xildhibaanada iyo shaqaalaha dawlada si aqoontooda kor loogu qaado. Si qaasna loogo barto habka dimoqaraadiga iyo habka barlamaan u shaqeeyo. Soo bandhigida aqoonta guud si loo tixraaco, dugsiga dawladnimada Soomaliya waxuu siin siyaasiinta iyo shaqaalaha dawlada isfaham guud.
Waxaa la rajeynaya in barshada taariikhdan ay sahasho sidii loogu gudbi lahaa dawlad ummada u dhaxeeysa. Waxaa kalo la rajeynaya in aqoontan ay saamaxdo waxqabad dawlad keento, iyo cadyn xuduudyada iyo mas’uuliyad saaran xildhibaanka ama shaqaalaha dawlada habkuu raba ka yimaado.