To contact any of the three branches of government please click on the pictures below
As the leader of country, our people will be able to follow what the president is working on as he lead us towards better governance and economic prosperity. We will be able to follow the acheivment of our president from this link. Click on the photo above for the latest from Villa Somalia.
We provide the ability for all Somalis to learn and enhance the way parliament works in our beloved country. Reading the ten lesson provided here will assit our parliamentarians grasp some of the complex issues they will have to deal with. Click on the photo above for the latest from the Parliament.
Council of Ministries
We provide basic knowledge to help Minsiters perform better in handling operational matters as well as strategic issues. The office of the PM will be the starting point. Also the public will be able to contact their local MPs andf follow what they are working on. Click on the photo above for the latest from the PM Office.

Providing Quality Civics Education
Making a difference for all Somalis

Law and Justice for all Somalis
through civics education to all Somalis

Providing a Stable Government
Strengthening Somali Government Institutions
Learn more about how government works...
Click HereOur Address
Office 103 Gabow Building, Maka Almukarama Rd, Waberi, Mogadishu, Somalia.